Peoble connects you to the people, places and events that are around you, near you or anywhere in the world. In addition you can participate in groups of your interest, public or private, sharing and receiving content of any kind!
Participate in chats and discover everything that is going on around you or anywhere you want and meet many people in one go, in real time!
With peoble, you can:
Burst the bubbles of PEOPLE that are close to you or anywhere in the world of your choice. Chat with them and share multimedia content of any kind in real time.
Burst the bubbles of GROUPS of your interest, public or private, that you are able to find through your pre-selected filters and also using #tags.
Burst the bubbles of PLACES that you want to know, that are around you or anywhere in the world. Find out what people are saying and sharing about this place. Participate in Tourist sites, for example, before you even get there and get the best tips from these places and when you get there, participate in chats and get to know the people that are close to you.
Burst the bubbles of EVENTS you want to attend! Engage with all the people who are attending the same event as you: whether it's a show, a cultural event, a music house or a luau by the sea, or an open fraternity in a square near you. Make the most of it to meet new people and do things you would not even know you could do that are happening right now.